

店舗ページはこちらからどうぞ india forest -海外の職人の手作り雑貨の店-


It's about two old men who go around a trail course in the Appalachian Mountains, famous for being rugged.

The Appalachian Trail is about 3,500 km long, and even young people will take on a challenging course.

This trail will be over in a few months, but it's also like a small life.

Meeting and parting with various people and meeting trouble, it may have seemed to the two old men that they were following their past lives again. It may be such a movie that you can step on another small life because of the courage to challenge even if you become

an old man, and because you have walked the road.

There is no big excitement and it proceeds indifferently, but personally I like movies like this.

Long Trail! (Subtitled version)

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