

店舗ページはこちらからどうぞ india forest -海外の職人の手作り雑貨の店-


It is a travelody of India that the actress wrote.

On your first trip to India, you'll gradually become familiar with unfamiliar Indian scenery and customs.

At first, the author had a rejection for India, but gradually he becomes more tolerant of India. India doesn't have a somewhat big heart and may be tough to travel.

You'll travel around the country with an Indian guide, and you'll see the stories of the guides and the unique Indian philosophy.

It is a diary of a trip, but the story of indians is written in detail, and you can taste the atmosphere such as Indian way of thinking and customs.

I personally want to go to India, and I thought that such a book was interesting as a story of one experience.

The value of the rupee is what it was at the time, and I think that India itself has changed with the years, but I think it can be considered as a little different from india.

India is not as blessed as Japan, and I think it is a country that is far from convenient. But that's why the way of thinking and living has a human essence. It may be strong.

India Traveloge 1 North India Edition (Gentosha Bunko)
Travelodly 2 South India Edition (Gentosha Bunko)
India Traveloding
Book (3)East and
West India Edition (Gentosha Bunko) India Travelod by Dendo(4〉Photo
(Gentosha Bunko)

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